A magazine started at Northeastern University publishing exceptional works of Jewish writing and art.


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Reading guide

Hatikvah’s Reading Guide 

Stay informed with these resources recommended by our Editors. They span a variety of viewpoints and political affiliations, so we recommend researching each resource yourself to understand it in the correct context.

Hatikvah is nonpartisan. Our sole political stance is the demand for the immediate return of the hostages held by Hamas in Gaza.


Times of Israel
— multilanguage Israeli newspaper published online for free covering Israel, the Middle East, and the Jewish World

The Jerusalem Post — English-language Israeli newspaper covering Middle Eastern, Israeli, and world news

i24 News — 24-hour news TV channel and reporting from Israel covering Middle Eastern and Israeli news

The Free Press — a new American media company ‘built on the ideals that once were the bedrock of great journalism: honesty, doggedness, and fierce independence’ (Editor’s Choice)

Haaretz — multilanguage Israeli newspaper (longest-running in Israel) known for its left-wing/liberal stance on domestic and foreign issues

Arab News — an English-language daily newspaper in Saudi Arabia, owned by Saudi Prince Turki bin Salman Al Saud.

Jewish Insider — a New York-based English-language online paper, covering U.S. and International politics and business from a Jewish angle

Tablet Magazine — an English-language online paper that publishes news, essays, and podcasts (mainly written by guest writers) from a Jewish angle


Shapell — an independent educational organization publishing original and historical manuscripts with a focus on the United States and the Holy Land

Jewish Virtual Library — encyclopedia of Jewish and Israeli history, politics, and culture with documents, images, and manuscripts

The Holocaust Encyclopedia — an online encyclopedia by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum that publishes articles, videos, and documents about/from the Holocaust

My Jewish Learning — articles on Jewish celebrations, rituals, Torah, history, and recipes

Tikvah Fund — a philanthropic foundation focused on education about Jewish and Israeli ideas and history. We love their video course by Einat Wilf, Zionism and Anti-Zionism: the History of Two Opposing Ideas

Center for Jewish History — the partnership of five Jewish history, scholarship, and art organizations in New York City: the American Jewish Historical Society, the American Sephardi Federation, the Leo Baeck Institute New York, the Yeshiva University Museum, and the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research. Together, in one location, CJH provides a centralized place of scholarly research, events, exhibitions, and performances.

Sefaria — the largest free library of Jewish texts available to read online in Hebrew and English, with an iPhone and iPad app

Advocacy & Policy

Standing Together — the largest grassroots movement in Israel, focusing on bringing together Israeli Jews and Israeli Arabs. (Editor’s Choice)

The Israel Policy Forum — an American Jewish organization working towards a negotiated two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Tel Aviv Institute — focuses on combating hate and uplifting Jews through social media-driven strategies and education

Jerusalem Institute for Policy Research — a Jerusalem-based think tank conducting research on innovation, environmental, and foreign policy

Jewish People Policy Institute — an Israel-based think tank producing research and recommendations regarding the Jewish people and Israel

B’tselem – a Jerusalem-based nonprofit documenting violations of human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories and creating a ‘culture of human rights’ in Israel

UN Watch – a Geneva-based non-governmental organization monitoring the performance, biases, and actions of the United Nations. Read their reports on terrorism in UNRWA. (Editor’s Choice)

Jews Indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa (JIMENA) — an American nonprofit dedicated to education about Mizrahi and Sephardic Jewish history and advocacy for Mizrahi/Sephardic refugee issues

Friends of Roots — ‘fostering a grassroots movement of understanding, nonviolence, and transformation among Israelis and Palestinians’

Kids4Peace — a global interfaith youth movement ‘dedicated to ending conflict and inspiring hope in divided societies around the world.’

Anti-Defamation League — a New-York based, international non-governmental organization founded to combat antisemitism with research, advocacy, and litigation

Sephardic American Mizrahi Initiative (SAMi) — partners with young Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews across America and on college campuses to engage Jewish life with a focus on issues particular to Sephardim/Mizrahim

StandWithUs — an international, nonpartisan educational organization dedicated to the support of Israel and fight against antisemitism

CAMERA on Campus — helps students on campus organize Jewish life with speakers, events, funding, and education.


Israel: a Concise History of a Nation Reborn by Daniel Gordis (Editor’s Choice)

The Israel-Arab Reader: a Documentary History of the Middle East Conflict edited by Barry M. Rubin and Walter Laqueur

American Judaism: a History by Jonathan D. Sarna

The War of Return: How Western Indulgence of the Palestinian Dream has Obstructed the Path to Peace by Adi Schwartz Einat Wilf (Editor’s Choice)

One State, Two States: Resolving the Israel/Palestine Conflict by Benny Morris

Letters to My Palestinian Neighbor by Yossi Klein Halevi

Jewish Meditation: a Practical Guide by Aryeh Kaplan

Eichmann in Jerusalem: a Report on the Banality of Evil by Hannah Arendt

People Love Dead Jews by Dara Horn

Contemporary Left Antisemitism by David Hirsh

The Case for Israel by Alan Dershowitz

The Destruction of the European Jews by Raul Hilberg

The Genius of Israel: The Surprising Resilience of a Divided Nation in a Turbulent World by Dan Senor and Saul Singer

Start-up Nation by Dan Senor and Saul Singer


Decision Points by the Washington Institute for Near East Policy for a deep dive into key moments in Israel’s history and present, hosted by the Director of the Koret Project on Arab-Israel Relations at the Washington Institute David Makovsky

We Should All Be Zionists Podcast by Einat Wilf and Blake Flayton, in which Einat Wilf reads one of her essays about Zionism, the State of Israel, and the Jewish Peoples’ past, present, and future, and discusses with columnist Blake Flayton (Editor’s Choice)

Building the Impossible Dream: the History of Zionism by Tikvah Ideas for a short audio course reflecting on Jewish nationalism and the birth of the State of Israel

Honestly with Bari Weiss by the Free Press for truly honest conversations about world news

Call Me Back by Dan Senor for geopolitical analysis from the world’s top experts

Every voice builds the global Jewish consciousness. Join us.